0 _ d - (42 links).

20somethingfinance.com   26/02/2020

abcnews.go.com/Business   25/05/2020

abcnews.go.com/Business/WireIndex/listIndex   27/03/2017   More Business Headlines. ABC News.

academic.oup.com/ser   13/07/2020   Socio-Economic Review. Oxford Academic. Originating in the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Socio-Economic Review (SER) is part of a broader movement in the social sciences for the rediscovery of the socio-political foundations of the economy.

academic.oup.com/wbro   13/07/2020   The World Bank Research Observer. Oxford Academic. The World Bank Research Observer seeks to inform nonspecialist readers about research being undertaken within the Bank and outside the Bank in areas of economics relevant for development policy.

agoracom.com   27/03/2017   AGORA, translatable as marketplace, was an essential part of Athens in ancient Greece and acted as a marketplace and a forum to its citizens. Agoracom is the Web 2.0 online marketplace and forum for citizens of the small-cap investment community.

allafrica.com/business   27/03/2017

alternativaseconomicas.coop   26/06/2020   Alternativas Económicas es una revista que te explica la economía y sus efectos en la vida de las personas. ¿Cómo nos afectan los cambios en la regulación laboral o fiscal, en pensiones, sanidad, educación o vivienda? Es el tipo de preguntas que nos formulamos, y que intentamos responder con pedagogía y rigor.

asia.nikkei.com   28/05/2020

aspo-deutschland.blogspot.com   23/03/2020   Aspo Deutschland. Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas.

bankinformationcenter.org   26/05/2020   Bank Information Center. The policies and programs of multilateral development banks (MDBs) can exacerbate climate change, undermine human rights, and further marginalize people who have historically faced discrimination.

bankthur.clientis.ch   12/02/2019

banktracker.investigativereportingworkshop.org   12/02/2019

bankunderground.co.uk   16/01/2020   Bank Underground. Bank Underground is a blog written by staff at the Bank of England. Our goal is to bring more of our thinking into the public domain and to showcase our analytical and research output.

bankwijzer.be/nl   12/02/2019

bbj.hu/site   13/07/2020   The Budapest Business Journal on the web. Hungary’s largest and oldest source of business and financial news about Hungary in English. Not just for expats.

belastingen.vlaanderen.be   22/08/2017

belegger.tijd.be   17/02/2020   De Belegger: advies voor spaarders, beleggers en investeerders. Portal voor beleggers en ondernemers, met nieuws, streaming koersen, portefeuilles, personal finance, dossiers.

bigcharts.marketwatch.com   08/09/2018   BigCharts is the world's most comprehensive and easy-to-use investment research Web site, providing access to professional-level research tools such as interactive charts, quotes, industry analysis and intraday stock screeners, as well as market news and commentary.

bisxbahamas.com   23/08/2019   The Bahamas International Securities Exchange Limited (BISX) was incorporated in September 1999. In May 2000 BISX successfully launched its domestic market for the listing and trading of local public companies. Currently, there are twenty domestic public companies listed on BISX. In April 2001 BISX launched a Mutual Fund listing facility.

blog.prosa.it   05/01/2018

cbr.ru   16/01/2020   Центральный Банк Российской Федерации.

cei.mrecic.gov.ar   08/09/2018   Centro de Economía Internacional. La responsabilidad primaria de la Dirección Nacional Centro de Economía Internacional es intervenir en la elaboración de análisis económicos y comerciales internacionales y estudios e investigaciones, y brindar información y asesoramiento para la puesta en práctica de los objetivos de política exterior de la República Argentina en materia económica y comercial.

cep.lse.ac.uk   08/09/2018   The CEP is an interdisciplinary research centre at the LSE Research Laboratory. It was established by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) in 1990 and is now one of the leading economic research groups in Europe.

cepr.org   13/07/2020   Centre for Economic Policy Research. A network of over 1300 economists based across Europe. The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) was founded in 1983 to enhance the quality of economic policy-making within Europe and beyond, by fostering high quality, policy-relevant economic research, and disseminating it widely to decision-makers in the public and private sectors.

cfi.cn   10/05/2017   中国财经信息网,24时提供全面及时的财经新闻、数据、统计图表,财经分析软件等。

cincodias.elpais.com   04/08/2020

cincodias.elpais.com/mercados   04/08/2020

commodity.com   26/05/2020   Oil, Gold & All Commodities Explained at Commodity (+ How To Start Trading Today). Learn how to start commodity trading online, including popular commodities gold, silver & oil, as well as more obscure commodities like rubber, palladium & more.

commodity.com/debt-clock   26/05/2020   Real-Time World Debt Clock With Country Comparisons: Who Owes The Most? - Commodity. National debt is the amount of money owed by a national government. This is different to public debt, which include money owed by all levels of government and also publicly owned institutions.

commodity.com/debt-clock/unitedkingdom   26/05/2020   The United Kingdom Debt Clock Shows British National Debt Grow By The Second. Source: UK Government Data, The May 2018 release (releases on the 21st of June 2018) shows the government borrowed 5 Billion in May 2018. 1.3 Billion below market expectations

commodity.com/debt-clock/us   26/05/2020   The United States is one of the world's most eager consumers of national debt. Due to the high volume of new US national debt being added on an irregular basis, this clock is regularly updated. Last update: 13 April 2020 Source: USA.gov website. US national debt statistics include Intragovernmental Holdings and allowance of one day delay in banks reporting to the US Treasury.

consultingbyrpm.com   26/05/2020   Free Advice. The personal blog of economist Robert P. Murphy. Research Assistant Professor. Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University.

cryptonote.org   27/12/2017

cryptonote.org/inside.php   27/12/2017

cryptonote.org/whitepaper.pdf   27/12/2017

cuadrodemando.unizar.es   15/11/2019   Cuadro de mando: Control de Gestión y Sistemas de información contables. Prof. Dr. Alfonso López Viñegla. Balanced Scorecard. Cuadro de mando integral. BSC. CMI. Zaragoza. Cuadro de mando: trabajos, apuntes y lecciones de economía, finanzas, contabilidad y administración de empresas.

data.worldbank.org   19/03/2018

denarius.izt.uam.mx/index.php/denarius   16/01/2020   Denarius es una revista del Departamento de Economía de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Unidad Iztapalapa, que se publica semestralmente y tiene como propósito difundir artículos inéditos, de calidad y que aporten enfoques originales, de contenido teórico y/o empírico que aborden temas de actualidad y relevancia relacionados con las Ciencias Económicas y las Ciencias Administrativas, escritos por académicos e investigadores nacionales y extranjeros.

deuda-publica-espana.com   10/10/2020   Deuda Pública de España. Los valores en tiempo real han sido estimados a partir de regresiones lineales por método de mínimos cuadrados sobre los datos oficiales de los últimos cuatro trimestres publicados por el Banco de España de acuerdo al Protocolo de Déficit Excesivo o PDE. Este es un proyecto realizado conjuntamente por: Abelardo Fernández Bagüés. Alberto Viñuela Miranda.

deutsche-boerse.com/dbg-de   23/03/2020   Gruppe Deutsche Börse. Als international tätige Börsenorganisation und innovativer Markt infrastrukturanbieter deckt die Gruppe Deutsche Börse mit ihren Produkten, Dienstleistungen und Technologien die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette im Finanzgeschäft ab.

dsbb.imf.org   26/05/2020   Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). The International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB) provides access to the National Summary Data Page (NSDP), Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus (SDDS Plus), the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS), the Enhanced General Data Dissemination System (e-GDDS), and the Data Quality Reference (DQRS) sites.